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Beaded Snowflake Ornament

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Beading has become one of the hottest crafts! Everywhere crafters are beading bags, sweaters and making bead jewelry. So it only makes sense that beading has come to Christmas ornaments. Making your own beaded handmade Christmas ornaments can be fun, easy and best of all does not require a lot of time or money. You do not need extensive crafting skills and these ornaments can be made by crafters of all ages. (Though certain steps in each project do require adult supervision.) So to make your tree extra special and unique this holiday season gather the family together and give these ideas for beaded handmade Christmas ornaments a try-

Sparkling light will dance on these wintertime snowflakes, made from a variety of crystal-like beads. This ornament is so easy to do you can make a blizzard’s worth of these sparkling snowflakes.

What you will need:

•10 corsage pins with pearl ends (available in fabric and craft stores)
•Crystal-like beads in desired shapes and sizes
•1 small cork
•Iridescent white glitter paint pen (usually used for fabric, available in craft and discount stores)
•Monofilament thread

Instructions for the project: Add beads to 4 of the pins. Do this by placing beads on 1 corsage pin in desired order, leaving the last 1/4 inch without beads. Make 3 more beaded pins using the same arrangement. After you have completed that make another set of 4 beaded pins, using a different arrangement. Make an additional set of 2 beaded pins. (You should have a total of 10 beaded pins.) Add 4 of the matching pins to cork. You may have to cut the cork, if necessary, so it is about 1/4 inch long. With the round side of the cork laying on the work surface, poke one beaded pin deeply into the cork (close to work surface) like a spoke of a wheel. Place a matching beaded pin opposite the first. Place the remaining two opposite each other, between the first set. Continue on adding the remaining pins. Using the remaining set of 4 matching pins, poke each into the cork, slightly closer to the top of the cork and alternating with the first set of four. Place the remaining 2 beaded pins into each round end of the cork. Completely cover the cork using glitter paint pen. Allow to dry completely. Apply a second coat, if necessary, and let dry throughly. To make a hanger, cut a desired length of monofilament and tie to one spoke of the snowflake.