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Wedding Guestbook

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There are lots of different parts of a wedding. There are a lot of things that you have to do and make. One of the things you can make is your own guestbook. It is a fun and exciting way to keep memories from your wedding day, and it is one of the most important parts of a wedding. Let’s look at some fun wedding guestbook crafts.

First, decide how many guestbooks you want. Some people have a main one, near the entrance of the reception hall, and some have little ones at each of the tables. Decide which goes best with your theme and how you want to have things work. Also, little ones at each table will often be a little more expensive, but they can also be more fun and allow your guests to write more than just their name. Each way is lovely.

One way to create a main guestbook is this. Buy a plain book at your local craft store. They are sometimes filled with paper and sometimes only filled with a few sheets. Buy paper that matches your theme or that looks nice and that will last for years. You can decorate it many ways. You can add material onto the front and padding underneath so it is a soft covered book. You can add ribbon and lace. You don’t want it to be too girly, but you want it to be nice and classic. Use pictures. Many books will come with a spot for a picture in the front. Add a picture of both of you before your reception or add a picture of a bouquet, wedding bells, or a quote that you both love and that is about marriage.

If you are going to have little books at each of the tables, buy the books and make them your own. Use the ideas above and make them all the same of different. You can also use things like embellishments and flowers. You probably don’t want to use real ones, unless it is for that day only. Be creative and have fun. Make sure you tie the book in somehow with your theme or the colors that you have.

If you have books at a table, one idea is to have a sheet per person. Remember to have plenty because you might have more than a few different guests at the table at different times. People don’t always stay for the whole reception. Have a spot where they can draw themselves, write how they met you, write a little note to you and your husband, and of course, sign their names. It will be a great memory and something that will be much for fun for them.

Also, have quotes or pictures throughout the book. You can add these in big or smaller books. Put a picture on part of the page or put a quote about marriage and love. It will add something nice to the book that doesn’t take a lot of time or effort.

When you create your guestbook, don’t overdo it. You want things to be nice and simple and not crazy. It should be something that you will love to look at and read for years to come.