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Homemade Sundial

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To make your own sundial you will need: a large paper cup, a plastic lid, a straw, a watch, a pen and pencil, tape, sand or small stones and a working compass. To begin you want to poke a hole in the side of the cup, about 2 inches down from the top of the cup, with the pencil. The hole needs to be big enough for the straw to fit through. Fill the cup halfway with the sand or stone and put the lid on the top of the cup. Push the straw through the hole in the lid, and also through the hole in the side of the cup. The straw needs to stick out about 2 inches from the lid. Next, tape the other end of the straw to the side of the cup. To use your sundial place the cup in a flat area outdoors where the sun hits for most of the day (putting the sundial in a shaded area will make it impossible to read properly). Point the straw that is sticking out of the cut towards north (you should use the compass for this). Using your watch and a pen, mark where the straw’s shadow falls on the cup after the passing of each hour over the course of several hours. If you have marked your sundial properly and it has not been moved from its spot, you will be able to read what time it is the next day when you go out and look at the shadows on your sundial.