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Preschool Lesson Plan Basics

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Teaching preschool is a fun and interactive way for an adult to associate with preschool aged students and children.  Having the right lesson plan is very important.  The more effective your lesson plan is, the more the student will learn and the more they will achieve throughout their life.  The lessons need to not only teach them words, letters and memory skills, but they need to teach them to interact and behave with other students and in society.  As the teacher, you will need to have patience, diligence and the ability to interact with the child on their level.  You will also want the preschool student to understand how to use their creative mind and imagination.

The lesson plans that you use will need to be creative and use elements that will help the preschool student use their memory and listening skills.  Use such activities such as music, singing, painting, colors, shapes and art.  Each one of these elements will allow the preschool students to find their own skills and to also work together as a group or a team.  Keeping the preschool students organized will also teach them structure and how to use the structure in their lives.

Teaching colors is a great lesson plan to have.  Many of the preschool students will already know what colors are and will recognize them when you show the colors to them, but teach them what items have that color.  For example, what color is the sky?  Have an activity that will allow the preschool students to associate the color with an object.  An apple is red, a banana is yellow and so forth.  The more a preschool student recognizes these objects, the better their memory will become.

Teaching a preschool student what weather is can become a fun and new exciting adventure for preschool students.  Within the weather you can also include what the stars are, the moon and the sun and how clouds affect the weather.  In the lesson plan you are creating; teach them the different seasons and the holidays.  During the Christmas season, if you live in an area that receives snow, teach them about how snow is created and how it falls from the sky.  You can also use different songs that will help their memory skills, such as “Jingle Bells” and “Frosty the Snowman”.  Each of these elements will help the preschool student relate the weather and holidays together.  Keep your students’ attention by keeping it exciting.  If the preschool student shows excitement from the lesson you have taught, the student will be excited to share what they have learned at home.

Teaching preschool students what values are is a hard part of teaching, but is a necessity for a child’s development.  Teaching a preschool student how to be “sorry” for something they did or understanding what “forgiveness” is will help them understand new scenarios they will be faced with in life.  Within those values, they need to learn what manners are, how to listen and how to communicate what they are feeling.  Preschool songs and nursery rhymes are a great way to help a preschool student learn to communicate.  Art is used many times to allow the student to draw or color how they are feeling.  Take the opportunities that are given to allow the preschool student to express themselves and what they cannot communicate to you in words.

Creating lesson plans for preschool will take time, patience and creativity.  Use the skills that you learned when you were the age of a preschool student.  Also ask the parents what they want their child to learn.