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Butterfly Mobile

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Another great springtime craft for beginners is to make a butterfly mobile. Grab some fishing line and a paper plate to make a butterfly mobile. You will need a few simple items to make the butterfly mobile:

•Fishing line
•Paper plate
•Black chenille stem
•4 Pom poms
•Wire cutters
•Needle nose pliers
•Tacky glue

Cut the black chenille stem in two and bend the bumpy side in half into a V shape. Then you will fold down one end of the bumpy chenille stem to the base of the V and bend it around the V. This end should be pointing upward. You will repeat this process and it will form the butterfly. Using needle nose pliers helps to hide the sharp ends of the chenille. From here follow these simple steps to complete the butterfly mobile:

•Twist the bent end about 1/2″ from the bend.
•Slide the butterfly in-between the black ends of the chenille stem.
•Twist the black chenille stem above the butterfly to hold it in place.
•Separate the ends of the black chenille stem.
•Bend one end of the black chenille stem over about 1/4″. Bend again.
•Repeat with other end. This makes the antennas.
•If desired, place pom poms in the openings of the wings and use tacky glue to hold in place. Let dry. If desired, hang with yarn or fishing line to make a mobile.