This fun to make spider can give a new fright to your Halloween decorations. You can either put the spider on a table or hang it from the ceiling with fishing line.
What you will need:
•A round balloon
•Flour and water
•A pan and a stirrer
•Aluminum foil
•Hot glue
•Black tempera paint
•Paint brush
•Googly eyes (optional)
Directions for the project-Begin my making the paper mache glue. See the complete instructions above. After tearing your newspaper into strips about 1 inch wide begin applying them using the glue. Your balloon should be round or oblong depending on how you want the spider body shaped. Be sure that you work on a table covering since this can be a very messy project. Dip each strip of paper in the flour glue, wipe off the excess, and wrap the strip around the balloon. Cover the entire top of the balloon. You will want to have at least two or three layers surrounding the balloon. Let it dry (at least overnight) after each layer. You will then let the balloon dry completely (it may take a few days). Pop the balloon and it will from the outer paper mache skin. You can the throw the torn balloon away. Using aluminum foil make 8 legs for your spider. For each leg, start with a sheet of foil about a foot long. Crumble or roll it into a leg-like shape. You can then hot glue the legs onto the spider. Make sure the glue dries completely. Paint the spider body black. Let the paint dry. Paint two white or red eyes on the spider (or glue on googly eyes).