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Awesome Fourth of July Ice Cream Cake

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Fourth of July ice cream cake

This is a tasty and cool treat to keep everyone happy. Use a little decoration of flags or stars to create a patriotic look. Here is what to do.

You will need:

1 10 inch prepared angel food cake
2 quarts of strawberry ice cream
1 quart of vanilla ice cream
2 tablespoons of confectioner sugar
2 ½ cups whipping cream

Start by cutting the cake horizontally, in which you will create 4 equal layers. Then put this cake on a tin foil covered tray. Now spread part of the strawberry ice cream, and put into freezer.

Now you will do the same with another piece of cake, and the vanilla ice cream. Then place this on top of the cake in the freezer.

Then do the same with another layer of the cake, and the strawberry ice cream. Now put this one on the other ones in the freezer.

Repeat this until all the cake is used. The top and bottom layer will be cake.

Now you will need to beat the cream in a mixer with the sugar until peaks appear. Use this mixture to frost the top and sides of the cake. Freeze this until it is time to serve. Do not forget to decorate with stars or flags.

These are 3 awesome July 4th dessert recipes that will be sure to please your family and friends this 4th of July. Have a great party!