Web Search Results for "yom kippur"

Yom Kippur - Wikipedia
18 Apr 2024 at 6:59am
Yom Kippur (/ ? j ? m k ? ? p ??r, ? j ?? m ? k ? p ?r, ? j o? m-/ YAHM kip-OOR, YAWM KIP-?r, YOHM-; Hebrew: ???? ???????? ? Y?m Kipp?r [?jom ki?pu?], lit. 'Day of Atonement ') is the holiest day of the year in Judaism and Samaritanism.

Yom Kippur | Holiday, Purpose, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
18 Apr 2024 at 6:55pm
Yom Kippur, most solemn of Jewish religious holidays, observed on the 10th day of the lunar month of Tishri (in the course of September and October), when Jews seek to expiate their sins and achieve reconciliation with God. It is marked by abstention from food, drink, and sex.

Yom Kippur: Significance, Facts & Traditions - HISTORY
19 Apr 2024 at 12:39am
Yom Kippur?the Day of Atonement?is considered the most important holiday in the Jewish faith. Falling in the month of Tishrei (September or October in the Gregorian calendar), it...

What Is Yom Kippur? - The Day of Atonement - Chabad.org
17 Apr 2024 at 5:09pm
Yom Kippur In Brief. What: Yom Kippur fast day is the holiest day of the year, when we are closest to G?d and to the essence of our souls. Yom Kippur means ?Day of Atonement,? as the verse states, ?For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G?d.?1

Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Here?s ... - CNN
16 Apr 2024 at 11:27am
CNN ? Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is considered the holiest day of the year for people who practice Judaism. The holiday technically spans two calendar days, because the Jewish...

Yom Kippur: History & Overview - Jewish Virtual Library
14 Apr 2024 at 9:27am
Yom Kippur occurs on the 10th day of Tishri. The name ?Yom Kippur? means ?Day of Atonement,? and it is a day set aside to ?afflict the soul,? to atone for the sins of the past year. During the Days of Awe, God inscribes all of our names in either the book of life or death. On Yom Kippur, the judgment entered in these books is sealed.

Yom Kippur 101 | My Jewish Learning
17 Apr 2024 at 1:03am
Yom Kippur is the day on which we are instructed to divorce ourselves as completely as humanly possible from the mundane world in which we live, in order to devote ourselves with all our hearts and minds to our relationship with the Divine.

Why Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the Jewish year - National Geographic
18 Apr 2024 at 4:53pm
EXPLAINER. Why Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the Jewish year. This day of atonement marks the end of the Jewish high holy days?and offers a chance for people to change their fate through...

The History of Yom Kippur | My Jewish Learning
17 Apr 2024 at 8:12am
While most of the holidays originating in the Bible have their logical place on the agricultural calendar, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur do not necessarily fit that mold. The rabbis tell us that the 10 th of Tishrei was the day on which Moses completed and brought down the second set of commandments from Sinai, signifying that God had granted ...

Yom Kippur War - Causes, Summary & Aftermath - HISTORY
18 Apr 2024 at 10:16pm
On October 6, 1973, hoping to win back territory lost to Israel during the third Arab-Israeli war, in 1967, Egyptian and Syrian forces launched a coordinated attack against Israel on Yom...

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