Thank you for loving us more than you love yourself.
Thank you for giving us more attention than anything else.
Thank you for brightening our day when you come home,
Thank you for calling, just to hear my voice on the phone.
Thank you for loving the way my flub makes that sound,
Thank you for loving me no matter who is around.
Thank you for blessing me with 9 years of Valentines Day dates.
Thank you for being my lover, friend and soul mate.
Thank you for being a true man of God,
Thank you for standing on His promises when others think it’s odd.
Thank you for giving me what no other woman can claim,
Thank you for the deed to your heart, your love, your last name.
Thank you for all that you do on a daily basis,
Thank you for the little things that make this our oasis.
Thank you for including me in your circle of trust and love,
Thank you for being a true blessing from above.
Genny Moore