Sudoku Tips
May 23, 2023 By Barbara Feldman
Sudoku is a logic-based number puzzle that does not involve arithmetic. Although first published in an American puzzle magazine in 1979, Sudoku gained popularity in Japan in 1986 before becoming an international craze in 2005. The goal is to enter …[Continue]

Memorial Day
May 16, 2023 By Barbara Feldman
Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day) was first observed in 1868 to honor the soldiers of the Civil War. Its origins can be traced back to General John A. Logan who proclaimed: “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated …[Continue]

Mother’s Day Cards
May 9, 2023 By Barbara Feldman
The history of American Mother’s Day can be traced to 1870 when Julia Ward Howe (author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic) called upon mothers to put an end to war. But it wasn’t until 1912 that West Virginia …[Continue]
Surfing the Calendar
- Black History MonthFebruary
- Wild Bird Feeding MonthFebruary
- American Heart MonthFebruary
- Children’s Dental Health MonthFebruary
- Charles Dickens’ BirthdayFeb 7, 1821
- Safer Internet DayFeb 7, 2023
- First Known Landing on AntarcticaFeb 7, 1821
- Ballet Introduced to U.S.Feb 7, 1827
- Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley’s BirthdayFeb 9, 1865
- National Weather Service EstablishedFeb 9, 1870
- French and Indian War EndsFeb 10, 1763
- IBM Computer Beats Kasparov at ChessFeb 10, 1996
- Thomas Edison’s BirthdayFeb 11, 1847
- National Inventors DayFeb 11, 2023
- Ferris Wheel Day (George Ferris’ Birthday)Feb 14, 1859
- Valentine’s DayFeb 14, 2023
- Valentine’s Day PoemsFeb 14, 2023
- Valentine’s Day CraftsFeb 14, 2023
- Valentine’s Day Coloring PagesFeb 14, 2023
- More Surfing the Calendar