You will need a black sweat suit, an antennae headband, cardboard, paint and black elastic. Cut the wing shapes out of cardboard. Hold the wings up to the back of this who will be wearing it. Make a mark on the wings just above each shoulder and just under each armpit. Punch a small hole where you made each mark. Paint as desired (this is a fun way to involve the kids). You can also embellish the wings with glitter, sequins, etc. Once the wings have dried completely use a pencil to poke the ends of elastic into each hole and tie the ends to secure. Cut two pieces of elastic just long enough to fit from the hole under the armpit to the hole just above the shoulder, leaving enough to tie. To wear the wings, you should be able to just slip each arm into the elastic bands. For the butterfly body, simply wear a black sweat suit. Paint the child’s face a color to match the wings. Add an Antennae Headband to top it all off!
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Halloween » Crafts » Butterfly Halloween Costume