This craft lets you recycle a burned out light bulb to make this Halloween witch. She would look especially great used as part of a Halloween centerpiece.
What you will need:
1 burned out light bulb
Craft paint – black and green
Dimensional glitter paint or white craft paint, for hands
Permanent dark green, red or black marker for mouth
Small oval goggle eyes
Black felt for hat
Curly doll hair
Small piece of green chenille stem for nose
Optional: Halloween confetti
Tacky glue
Paint brushes
Instruction for the project: First wash the light bulb with dish soap and water and dry thoroughly. The entire light bulb needs to be very clean and grease-free to help the paint adhere. Then you are ready to paint the entire light bulb in apple green. Set aside to dry completely. The next step is to cut a half circle of black felt large enough to form a cone-shaped hat that will sit easily over the metal threads of the light bulb. You can leave the hat in a simple ice-cream cone shape, or fold up part of the brim at the front by tacking it in place with a small dot of glue. Set aside. Below the face of the witch paint the edges of an open cape, continuing the bottom of the cape in shallow scallops similar to the shape of a bat’s wing. Tip: It might be helpful to pencil in the paint lines before finally painting the cape all around the bulb in black craft paint. Cut a small piece of dark green chenille stem (about 1″ long should work) to use as the nose. Fold one third of the stem at right angles to the remainder. This is the section that you will glue to the middle of the face. Bend the rest of the stem into a lumpy nose. Glue the small section to the middle of the face just directly below the eyes. You can then draw in a mouth below the nose, using dark green, red or black marker. Using any of your decorating tools (paint or marker) make two “mitten” shaped hands that seem to emerge from the middle of the cape. If desired you can use the Halloween confetti to decorate your witch. Spread tacky glue generously over the metal threads of the light bulb and attach strands of curly doll’s hair. As a final step spread a generous amount of tacky glue on the inside of the felt hat and pull the hat down over the metal threads and the witch’s hair. Hold with your fingers until the glue “holds” then release.