I remember a younger time
When life was full of promise.
Full of laughter, love and hope;
The years not yet upon us.
I gave you all I had to give;
My heart, my soul, my life.
You returned with all you had
And I became your wife.
We struggled through and made a life;
Children, hearth and home.
Never once did we give up
Or set our hearts to roam.
As the years were passing by
Our love did see us through.
And now that life for me is done
I wish one thing for you.
Look back at all that we held dear
And keep your head held high.
Shed no tears and know, My Love
That this is not Good-bye.
The love we shared will see you through,
Hold on with all your might,
To all the faith and love we shared
For this is just Good-Night.
Charlotte Maum