Your heart is located in the upper left-hand side of your chest and if you place your hand there, you can feel it beating. The heart continually pumps blood to all parts of the body, and never stops beating, even …[Continue]
Your Body Resources
First Aid
First aid is the initial care given to an injury until medical treatment is available. In many cases, providing the right care immediately can save lives. Today’s picks are a roundup of sites that teach and review first aid practices, …[Continue]
The Flu
Influenza, also known as the flu, is a viral infection marked by fever, headaches, muscle aches and a cough. Flu season runs from November to March, with a flu vaccine available in early fall. In the US, influenza kills tens …[Continue]
A vaccine is a treatment (usually administered via an injection) that stimulates your immune system to fight off future infections. Scientists around the world are currently working on a vaccine to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Meanwhile, let’s learn more …[Continue]
Handwashing is our number one weapon against the spread of infections and viruses such as influenza and coronavirus. While handwashing has always been important to our health, it has stepped into the limelight now that health professionals are repeatedly reminding …[Continue]
Sun Safety
Schools out! Summer sunshine is here. But don’t leave the house without your sunglasses, brimmed hat, and sunscreen. Why bother? Because despite the sun’s beneficial effects on our mood, even a small amount of daily exposure can lead to skin …[Continue]
Human Heart
Your heart is located in the upper left-hand side of your chest and if you place your hand there, you can feel it beating. The heart continually pumps blood to all parts of the body, and never stops beating, even …[Continue]
The Flu
Influenza, also known as the flu, is a viral infection marked by fever, headaches, muscle aches and a cough. This year’s flu season has hit the ground running, with many more cases and deaths reported much earlier in the season …[Continue]
Fruits and Vegetables
In honor of National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month (June), today’s tour extols the health benefits of including more produce in our diets….[Continue]
Physical Fitness
Attention! Because most kids aren’t getting the recommended daily amount of exercise, I’ve arranged to shut down the Internet in twenty minutes. Now you’ll have no more excuses. Just push yourself away from the computer, and go outside to play. …[Continue]