One of the most important jobs that a parent has is to keep their kids safe: basically protect them from any kind of danger. So as a parent it is up to you to find out about the various dangers that your child can face and then find out what you can do to protect them from those dangers.
Here are some safety tips for online gaming.
Tip One:
One of the best things that you can do to keep your kids safe while playing online games is for you to participate. Basically what this means is that you should play the games with your kids, which can actually be hard depending on their age and what games they are playing. But this is one of the best things that you can do because it is a good way to help teach them about how to deal with other people online, where not everybody is going to be nice, but this also still allows them to have fun in a safe and secure way.
Tip Two:
One of the most important things that you as a parent can do to help keep your kids safe online is to teach them about basic Internet safety and make sure that your children know they can come to when something is wrong. Basically you want your child to feel that they can talk to you about things without them feeling like you are going to overreact to what is going on.
Tip Three:
Something else that you are going to need to do as a parent is to learn how to deal with bullies in online games. In fact, these people are known as griefers. But once you know what should be done when it comes to dealing with cyberbullies then you can teach your child about what they should do if they come across cyberbullies.
Tip Four:
Another thing that you need to do is to make sure that your child is using an appropriate screen name for the game. Basically you want to make sure that their chosen screen name doesn’t reveal any personal information and will not invite people to harass your child. You also want to make sure that the screen name follows the rules of the website.
Tip Five:
If they are using an online gaming feature like live voice chat or something similar than they really shouldn’t talk to people that they don’t know. They want to make sure that they are only talking to friends and relatives with this device. But even if they only add people they know, you never know when you will find somebody else using somebody’s account, so if they are getting harassed or if somebody is bothering them they should place that person on ignore or block them so they can no longer communicate with them.
Tip Six:
Something else that you are going to need to do as a parent is to set rules for online games. Basically this is no different than setting rules for your child in any activity that they do but sometimes the rules in this case are going to need to be a bit different because it is a different environment for game playing. But some of the more common rules that you will need to set for your child are going to include limiting their playing time, playing with people that they know already (No playing with people they have just met online), no chatting with people they don’t know, never giving out personal information, etc.
Yes its really helpfull….