Web Search Results for "Betsy Ross"

Betsy Ross - Wikipedia
24 Jul 2024 at 6:05pm
Elizabeth Griscom Ross (née Griscom; January 1, 1752 ? January 30, 1836), also known by her second and third married names, Ashburn and Claypoole, was an American upholsterer who was credited by her relatives in 1870 with making the second official U.S. flag, accordingly known as the Betsy Ross flag.

Betsy Ross - Flag, Biography & Children | HISTORY
25 Jul 2024 at 5:03am
Perhaps the best-known figure from the American Revolutionary era who wasn?t a president, general or statesman, Betsy Ross (1752-1836) became a patriotic icon in the late 19th century when...

Betsy Ross | Biography, Flag, & Facts | Britannica
24 Jul 2024 at 10:26am
Betsy Ross (born January 1, 1752, Gloucester City, New Jersey [U.S.]?died January 30, 1836, Philadelphia) was an American seamstress who, according to family stories, fashioned and helped design the first flag of the United States.

Biography: Betsy Ross - National Women's History Museum
22 Jul 2024 at 2:03pm
Betsy Ross. 1752-1836. By Kerri Lee Alexander, NWHM Fellow | 2018-2019. Considered essential to the American Revolution, Betsy Ross is credited with sewing the first United States flag. A symbol of patriotism, Ross is often celebrated as the woman who helped George Washington finish the design.

Betsy Ross: Biography, Flag Maker, American Revolutionary
24 Jul 2024 at 1:22am
Betsy Ross, best known for making the first American flag, apprenticed with an upholsterer before irrevocably splitting with her family to marry outside the Quaker religion. She...

Betsy Ross flag - Wikipedia
26 Jul 2024 at 1:06am
The Betsy Ross flag is an early design for the flag of the United States, which is conformant to the Flag Act of 1777 and has red stripes outermost and stars arranged in a circle.

The Legend of Betsy Ross | National Postal Museum
23 Jul 2024 at 3:25am
The story about the creation of the American flag is shrouded in as much legend as fact. Elizabeth Griscom Ross, better known as Betsy, was a seamstress who lived in Philadelphia. According to legend, George Washington employed Betsy to embroider his shirt ruffles.

Betsy Ross - Museum of the American Revolution
23 Jul 2024 at 5:16pm
There's no doubt whatsoever that Ross was one of Philadelphia's most important flag makers of the Revolution; on the eve of the War of 1812, she would be the primary flag maker contracting with the U.S. Arsenal on the Schuylkill River.

Betsy Ross and the American Flag: historical analysis
22 Jul 2024 at 2:25pm
Betsy Ross is regarded by many as a character befitting a fable ? that the tale of her making the first flag is no more than an instructive parable.

Betsy Ross and the American Flag - US History
25 Jul 2024 at 3:47pm
A history of the American flag with an analysis of the historical evidence concerning Betsy Ross and additional resources and activities related to the American flag.

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